Challenge: Friends – written by BloomingViolets
Last Revised: October 10, 2005

Summary: Love… was he really in love?
Disclaimer: We don’t own ‘em, wish we did.
Ship: Syd/Sky

AN: Done in response to the Ars Amatoria's Ranger Romance Themes Challenge.




Friendship goes a long way, Sky reflected as he sat in the audience waiting for Sydney to come out on stage. A friend is someone who you know, someone that you like and trust. A friend could influence you to do good things or they could influence you to do bad things. A friend is someone you can call in times of need, or you can call just to hang out.


A friend is someone who you can talk to without the fear of being constantly judged. They would listen as you spilled your problems and offer sympathy, support and encouraging words.  A friend was someone you laughed with and shared memories with.


But, at what point, does a friend become something more?


Does a friend become something more when you start memorizing pointless things, like her training schedule? Her shoe size? What her favorite food was? Or does a friend become something more when you suddenly notice how pretty she was and how her blue eyes were a light shade of blue? Does a friend become something more when you swore you smelled her perfume a mile away?


Is it when you memorize the sound of her laugh? When you start to blush if she smiles at you? Or how about a slightest touch from her sends shivers running up your spine? Or is it when, you’re alone with her, you start to stutter and become nervous and you can’t seem to come up with a good conversation when normally you could before?


At what point, Sky wondered once more, does a friend become something more?


His friendship with Sydney was changing. And he was pretty sure she felt it too. Things had been awkward between them lately, and frankly he had no idea why. He had suddenly notice just how pretty Sydney really was. It was as if he had just woken up one day and found her extremely attractive.


His friendship with Z was nothing compared to his friendship with Sydney, Sky pondered. Z was annoying, but loveable all the same. The yellow ranger didn’t make him stutter every time she was near. And she definitely didn’t make his heart flutter. In fact, he still saw Z as a little sister.


But Sydney Sydney made him feel things that he hadn’t felt in a long while. Hope… happiness… feelings that scared him, but excited him all the same. Their friendship was changing to love…


Love… was he really in love?

